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hello beauty-full
it's cool to be hip & zen

Hello Beauty-full 1 to 1 Coaching
Our 1 to 1 coaching provides you total support to be you, regardless of who you are. We create a very safe place for you to discover you and enjoy being you. Our coaches listen hard, and care enough to hear the truth. We look at the whole you, and obtain an objective picture of the inner passions, talents, values and obstacles so you become “An Expert On You.” Allow us to help and support you in making the meaningful changes to live your life to it's fullest.
We are pleased to offer 1 to 1 coaching in the following areas:
Health & Nutrition
Your True Colors (understanding your personality)
Style & Image (your pesonal style, color & shape)
Your giving soul
Career & Fun (creating balance)
Express Yourself
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